Guidelines for Online Sangha meetings
Dear Pebbles Friend
In addition to our "in person meetings" on alternate Saturdays we also hold an online Sangha meeting every Wednesday evening, using the Zoom platform. The online meeting will last for about an hour.
If you would like to practice with us in this way, you will need to download and install Zoom onto your computer from or download the Zoom app onto your tablet or smart-phone. It may take a while to download and set up, so please do this before the scheduled start of the online meeting.
Please note that we will not post the Meeting ID or password here. If you are a newcomer for security reasons we ask that you contact us for details and we will send you the Login details for the Wednesday session by email. Please get in touch here.
Wednesday online meetings will start at 6.30 pm and finish by 7.30 pm.
Please arrive a few minutes before our start time so that we can sit without interruptions.
To join the meeting from your computer, smart-phone, tablet or home phone follow the instructions below:
From your computer, tablet or smart-phone
To join the online meeting click here and enter the Meeting ID and Password which you will receive in our email. Please get in touch if you have lost or forgotten the details.
From your tablet or smart-phone
Open the Zoom app (which you have installed in advance) and then enter the Meeting ID and Password which you will receive in our email. Please get in touch if you have lost or forgotten the details.
We require that all online newcomers have their Video On so that we can see them when they first join a Zoom session. This requirement is for the safety and security of the Sangha so that we can see and verify all participants.
These details will stay the same for all Pebbles Sangha online meetings, so please keep the Login information we will send you to hand for future reference. We will provide the Meeting ID and Password for the sessions to your email address. Please contact us via our website if you would like to receive these details.
We look forward to practising with you online if you are not able to join us in person.
May you be well, may you be safe, may you be happy.
With love,
Pebbles Sangha
“The present moment is the substance with which the future is made. Therefore, the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. What else can you do?”
— Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Mindful Living